MA in Applied Cultural Analysis
Lund, Suecia
2 Years
Tiempo completo
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Programme overview
Applied cultural analysis is a multidisciplinary field of work and study that is heavily influenced by cultural theoretical perspectives and ethnographic methods coming from disciplines of study such as anthropology, ethnology and public folklore. It emphasises the teaching and implementation of strategies of collaborative engagement between university-trained scholars and actors beyond the university system.
The programme aims to develop and deepen students’ knowledge and skills within the field of applied cultural analysis. It emphasises the use of ethnography and cultural analysis as a means of helping organisations and businesses as well as municipal and community-based actors to develop their services, products and public outreach programmes. Simultaneously, the programme works to enable those actors to find solutions to problems they may face as an aspect of their daily activities.
The programme will strengthen students’ theoretical and methodological skills in anthropology-based ethnography while developing an advanced understanding of different organisational contexts, as well as the demands these place on project management, communications and product development. Through work placement, field projects and the Master’s thesis, you will be able to develop and target your skills to the specialised field in which you wish to work after completing your studies. The programme works in close cooperation with a number of clients from both the public and private sectors and NGOs.
Special features of the programme:
- The programme is run in cooperation with the University of Copenhagen.
- Lectures are held at both universities in the first year.
- Students undertake work placements during the third semester.
- Professors teaching on the programme specialise in the study of the cultural economy, tourism, cultural heritage, consumer culture, digital culture, food, etc.
Plan de estudios
Estructura del programa
- Introducción al Análisis Cultural Aplicado (7,5 créditos)
- Teorías para el Análisis Cultural (7,5 créditos)
- Composición de análisis cultural (15 créditos)
- Metodologías Etnográficas para el Análisis Cultural (15 créditos)
- Gestión y realización de proyectos etnográficos (15 créditos)
- Especialización: Escritura de Análisis Cultural (15 créditos)
- Proyecto de prácticas: trabajo de campo y análisis cultural en contextos aplicados (15 créditos)
- Trabajo de fin de máster (30 créditos)
Oportunidades profesionales
Perspectivas de carrera
Como analista cultural aplicado, puede trabajar en empresas y organizaciones privadas y públicas, con ONG y la industria. Como consultor o experto interno, ayuda a las organizaciones y empresas a desarrollar sus servicios y productos, cómo mejorar, cambiar o administrar la cultura organizacional, la diversidad, la marca y las estrategias de marketing. Los analistas culturales aplicados pueden trabajar como gerentes de proyectos o como asesores o asistentes de gerentes de proyectos en temas tan diversos como el medio ambiente, los derechos humanos, el transporte y el reciclaje, la ciudad y el desarrollo comunitario. Durante el programa, colaboras con partes interesadas externas y llevas a cabo un proyecto de prácticas de ocho semanas.
Sobre la Escuela
Cursos Similares
MA in International Relations and Regional Studies
- Tartu, Estonia