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Lund University MSc in Astrophysics
Lund University

MSc in Astrophysics

Lund, Suecia

2 Years


Tiempo completo

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Programme overview

This structured two-year programme offers you the opportunity to learn about the universe and apply your knowledge of physics in a vibrant and fast-developing area of science.

The first semester is spent on core astronomy courses, including stellar structure and evolution and galactic dynamics. In the second semester, you will begin work on a 60 ECTS degree project under the supervision of internationally well-regarded professors, and this project continues over three semesters. You will also take four more courses broadening your knowledge of the most exciting areas of modern astrophysics, such as exoplanets and the early universe.

Plan de estudios

Oportunidades profesionales

Sobre la Escuela


Cursos Similares

  • Máster en Física Teórica y Astrofísica
    • Vilnius, Lituania
  • Maestría en Ciencias en Astrofísica y Cosmología
    • Padua, Italia
  • Maestría en Ciencias en Ciencia y Tecnología Astrofísica
    • Rochester, Estados Unidos de América