MSc International Accounting and Finance
Bradford, Reino Unido
12 up to 27 Months
Tiempo completo, Tiempo parcial
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Sep 2025
GBP 20.468 *
En el campus
* home UK students |international: £19,494
La Maestría en Contabilidad y Finanzas Internacionales está diseñada para dotar a los estudiantes de los conocimientos y habilidades necesarios de los principios fundamentales de la gestión financiera que son relevantes para los negocios globales, para mejorar su eficacia operativa en esta área en particular o para servir como preparación para estudios posteriores. o una carrera académica.
El programa cubre la gestión financiera dentro de los bancos y las funciones de regulación y finanzas dentro de empresas generalistas y no financieras, como las FMCG (empresas de bienes de consumo). La atención se centra en elementos clave de finanzas corporativas, banca, economía, regulación, finanzas internacionales, gestión de carteras y métodos cuantitativos aplicados. El objetivo es formar especialistas éticamente responsables que tengan una sólida perspectiva financiera y bancaria sobre la actividad empresarial, los fondos de pensiones, los fondos de inversión y los mercados financieros internacionales.
A lo largo del programa, habrá un uso intensivo de los paquetes de software financiero más utilizados en la industria, y los estudiantes obtendrán capacitación avanzada en el uso de estos paquetes.
Professional accreditation
We are proud to be in an elite group of business schools to hold the triple accreditations of Equis, AMBA, and AACSB, often called the "Triple Crown".
The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) accredits this program. This means that, by completing your degree, you are eligible for exemptions from some ACCA fundamental level examinations.
Becas y Financiamiento
We award numerous non-repayable scholarships to UK, EU, and international students every year based on academic excellence, personal circumstances, or economic hardship.
Plan de estudios
What you will study
All module information is for 2023 entry and is subject to change.
- International Financial Accounting and Reporting
- Quantitative Methods in Finance
- Business Economics
- International Banking
- Contemporary Issues in Accounting and Finance*
- Corporate Finance*
- Dissertation
- Corporate Governance and Risk
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Financial Risk Management in European Banking**
- International Finance*
- International Marketing
- International Master’s Summer School
- International Master's Summer School (attendance only)
*Exemptions from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) examination.
**As part of the School of Management's exchange agreement with Toulouse Business School (France), students, if they wish to, have the opportunity to study one module in ‘Financial Risk Management in European Banking’ in Toulouse each year. Travel and maintenance costs are additional for students. The School usually contributes to the overall budget, but the level of contribution can vary.
Learning and assessment
The program is summatively assessed by a mixture of written examinations, assessed coursework, and applied coursework requiring the use of specialist computer software used on this program as well as case studies, group projects, and multimedia presentations.
Assessment is integrated with learning and teaching to support and demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes for individual modules and the program as a whole. Emphasis is placed on the feedback function of formative assessment as part of the learning, teaching, and assessment strategy as a whole.
Cuota de matrícula del programa
Oportunidades profesionales
Career support
The University is committed to helping students develop and enhance employability and this is an integral part of many programs. Specialist support is available throughout the course from Career and Employability Services including help to find part-time work while studying, placements, vacation work, and graduate vacancies. Students are encouraged to access this support at an early stage and to use the extensive resources on the Careers website.
Discussing options with specialist advisers helps to clarify plans through exploring options and refining skills of job-hunting. In most of our programs, there is direct input by Career Development Advisers into the curriculum or through specially arranged workshops.
Career Booster
While studying at the Faculty of Management, Law, and Social Sciences, you will have the opportunity to participate in our distinctive career booster program throughout your course. The program is designed to equip you with the necessary skills and graduate attributes to be job-ready when seeking employment with leading innovative organizations. The Career Booster Programme offers you the opportunity to gain certificates in:
- The European Computer Driving License (ECDL) - the benchmark for digital literacy
- Sage 50 Accounting and Sage 50 Payroll - training that will allow you to develop leading accounting and payroll software skills
- Project Manager Professional certificates - giving you the edge when seeking to become a Certified Project Manager
- Big Data analysis and reporting skills - using Software and Services (SAS) that will lead to certification
In addition, the program will also include activities to promote teamwork, confidence, communication, and many other skills employers seek.
Developing a portfolio of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Certificates will demonstrate to employers that you are not only ambitious but also take responsibility for your professional development.
Career prospects
Nuestros graduados encuentran regularmente oportunidades laborales en el ámbito de la gestión financiera y en el sector financiero en general. El programa se centra en los elementos clave de las finanzas corporativas, la gestión de inversiones y las finanzas cuantitativas aplicadas. El objetivo es formar especialistas con una sólida perspectiva financiera sobre la actividad corporativa, el comportamiento de los fondos de pensiones, la economía y los mercados financieros internacionales.